Stewarding Your Life: The Dream Date

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Black and Cream Minimalist Ebook Download Instagram Post.jpg

Stewarding Your Life: The Dream Date


The Dream Date digital download is designed to be a catalyst and driver towards pursuing a well-stewarded life! It is a 31-page PDF that provides you with both great inspiration, as well as a step-by-step guide to navigating the Dream Date to set you up for success. You will also receive a printable ‘Dream Date Guide’ to bring to your Dream Date so you have all you need to truly dream!

This is a one-time purchase digital download where, upon purchase, you will immediately receive a a PDF in your email ready to download and use.

Q & A

Q: Do I have to be married to have a Dream Date?

A: No! There is no marital qualifier to have a Dream Date! If you are single, dating, engaged, divorced, married, younger, older, an empty nester, a stay at home mama, or anywhere in between in your life, you can still dream for and steward well your life.

Q: Can I only do this once?

A: No - this is meant to be done yearly! My husband and I have a Dream Date every year where we now follow the same format every year we do it.. You will be able to use the printable ‘Dream Date Guide’ as a template for each new Dream Date.

Q: When is the best time of year to have a Dream Date?

A: My husband and I always have ours between Christmas and the first two weeks of January. This is always a great time to pause and reflect on the entire year and prepare for a new one. However, there is nothing magic about January 1st. If you happen to find this Dream Date digital download in the middle of June, and you are ready to have a Dream Date then to gain clarity and move forward, you should do it! We are not promised tomorrow and you can have a Dream Date anytime of the year.

Q: What is the end goal of the Dream Date?

A: First and foremost, the end goal of the Dream Date is to help you walk towards living a well stewarded life. You should come away from your Dream Date with vision, clarity, and peace about your upcoming year.

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