Stone Steven Craft - our son. He is here and he is better than we could have thought. He has a beautiful full head of dark brown hair and just the most precious tiny face. We could not love him more - and yet, somehow, with each day, we will. We know so little about who he is so far, and yet, we know everything about him at the same time. We cannot wait to get to know him with each day we get to steward his life.


The day I found out I was pregnant with Stone, I really thought that he would be a girl. We had a girl name picked out and we started calling him by that name. We did the sneak peak test to find out gender early, and to say that I was utterly shocked when I saw the blue confetti would be an understatement. My initial feelings had never been wrong with the gender of my babies. But, I think deep down, I knew it was a boy. There were tiny little nudges that are just for me to know that had me, deep in my soul, knowing that it would be a boy.


Thank goodness the Lord knows better than I do because having a son for even a few short weeks outside my belly and 9 months in my belly, I have already been changed by his life. I would not trade his life for anything and I am eternally grateful he is mine, ours.

After the home birth with my second daughter, Eleanor, my husband and I immediately knew that another home birth was right for us for this upcoming birth. I found out I was pregnant with Stone on August 14th 2023, and I called Haven Birth and Wellness (our home birth practice in Franklin, TN) before I even told my husband to make sure we got in! I then sat with the news by myself to soak it in for one day, and then told my husband the next day, August 15th. It was the first time I was able to surprise him with a pregnancy.


During my pregnancy, I had three really specific prayers for the actual birth.

The first prayer was that I would get to experience going into labor spontaneously without induction of any kind. With my first pregnancy, Everly, the hospital would not let us go past 41 weeks so I was induced at 40w5d that ended in an epidural. I am so thankful for that experience, but with my next, I wanted a different experience. With my second, Eleanor, there were concerns that she was IUGR (Intrauterine Growth Restricted) and after many tests, ultrasounds, and consults, the recommended course of action was to induce early with a membrane sweep and castor oil, and continue forward with our planned home birth. She was born at home very quickly at 38w5d. So, with my son, I really hoped to experience spontaneous labor.

The second prayer was that his birth would be filled with worship and clarity, and not being rushed.

The third prayer was that Everly, my oldest, would get to be involved in some way in the birth.

And wow did we get answers to those prayers.

MIDDLE OF FEBRUARY | I started experiencing some really painful, and movement restricting nerve pain at the top of my uterus and I was struggling to pick up the girls or do simple tasks that required cross movement of my abdomen. Heat was the only thing that helped and I spent most nights up until Stone was born on the couch with a heating pad on my side.

TUESDAY, APRIL 1st | I was starting to experience prodromal labor that was stronger than Braxton hicks, but nothing worth timing and making no progress. I went antiquing with a sweet friend with both my girls and walked through all of the contractions, only stopping for a few of them. Prodromal labor lasted up until Friday, April 5th, and I felt energized to get some big things around the house done that weekend with Josh. However, I also started feeling like I really need to be resting.

FRIDAY, APRIL 4th | I had my last workout at F45. I did not know that it would be my last workout, but what a gift it has been for all three of my pregnancies to move my body and strengthen it, even through the end of pregnancy.


SATURDAY, APRIL 6th | A friend invited me to antique on Sunday, April 7th, and I trusted my body and my gut, and declined, saying I needed to rest. I am always amazed at how in tune instinctually I am with my body and my needs when I am pregnant.


SUNDAY, APRIL 7th | My contractions started turning more painful/intense, and more cramp like than they had been the week prior. These went on until I truly started labor the next day. I spent alot of Sunday rocking in Stone’s nursery and drinking Red Raspberry Leaf tea.


MONDAY, APRIL 8th | This was solar eclipse day and my labor day!

MORNING | I woke up this morning and had a gut feeling that something was different about this day. I documented my growing belly in our bathroom mirror and in Stone’s nursery, which I usually didn’t do in the mornings. In my head, I thought April 8th would be a good day to have a baby. I had my early devotions, and spent the morning doing chores around the house with the girls as I moved through light contractions. We went on our usual 2 mile walk through our neighborhood and then had lunch together as a family. (Perks of work from home for Josh!)


1:00 PM | Ever usually goes down for a nap at 1 PM with Eleanor, but she only naps 2-3 days a week these days. The other days she just plays for rest time. I had my 38 week appointment at Haven at 1:30 PM, and something in me told me to take Ever with me to this appointment. I had a chiropractic appointment at 4:10 PM and hoped to run to Paper Source up in Brentwood to get cards and paper to stamp Stone’s feet on. This would be my first time just totally intentionally skipping Ever’s nap, but I really missed my big girl and wanted to spend that 1-1 time with her. Little did I know it would be a really special afternoon with her.


1:30 PM | While waiting for Caroline to see me at my Haven appointment, Ever and I got to read birth affirmation cards together. We continued to talk through birth and what Mama was about to go through. When we went back, Ever was able to listen to Stone’s heartbeat and help measure my belly. Stone grew 2.5 cm for his fundal height from a week ago! This was a huge answer to prayer, as with my last pregnancy, this was the first sign we had that Eleanor was measuring small. She was about 5 cm behind on her fundal height at 38 weeks. Being at 36.5 cm fundal height put Stone in the clear for being able to continue on without intervention/talks of induction. I opted not to have Haven check my dilation/effacement, as I just wanted to trust my body and not psych myself out.


1:50 PM | Ever and I made our way to Paper Source, about 15 minutes up the road from Haven. The eclipse was happening when we arrived at Paper Source, and the clouds were dark. We looked at cards together, found the paper for Stone’s footprints, and walked back to the the car.

2:20 PM | I loaded Ever up in the back of the minivan and went around to hop into the driver seat. As I sat down, I immediately knew that I was loosing my mucus plug. I didn’t really know what to do because I knew I needed a bathroom, but I had Ever in the car and I didn’t have the ability to carry her in to a store to use the bathroom. So, I used what I had in the van and climbed to the very back where Ever was sitting in her carseat. I pulled out her OXO travel potty seat, grabbed a potty bag, and I sat there until I passed everything. Ever saw the blood and said “Oh no mama, you have an ouchie, you need a bandaid. But it’s ok, you can be brave and I can make it all better. ” She held my hand and I got to talk to her about birth. I told her that sometimes, blood is good. We talked about how birth isn’t scary and she does not need to be afraid of this. Birth is good and she will be meeting her brother soon. She said “Oh mama, that is great. I so excited to meet baby boy.” She then wanted to use the potty seat like I did.


2:35 PM | I called the Haven team and told them I don’t think I am in labor yet, but that I lost my mucus plug. I just wanted to put that on their radar. They told me it could be today or a few days now before we have our baby and to call when labor picks up. Since I had a chiropractic appointment scheduled in an hour, I asked them if there was any concern with going to that appointment. They said no - it will only help progress labor in a good way and continue to prepare your body.

2:40 PM | I called my husband and told him what happened. I asked him if he thought I should go to the chiropractic appointment. The appointment was about 25-40 minutes away from our house because I would be leaving at 4:45 PM which would be rush hour. At this point, contractions had started to slowly pick up and I had a gamble decision. We decided I should go to the chiropractic appointment. I had almost 1.5 hours of time to use up though, so Ever and I made our way to Costco. I was able to use their bathroom to clean up properly, and then I was the girl practically falling into the watermelon container trying to bring home 3 watermelons. If you know me, you know how much I love watermelon, especially pregnant. We then scooted over to the Costco car wash. Ever is usually pretty fearful of the car wash. But this time, as we drove in, Ever said, “Mama, I’m going to be so brave, but I’m going to close my eyes!” I was really, really proud of her. While at Costco, Josh texted me a picture of out entire birth tub and floor set up for labor. We had planned to do that that evening, but I think he knew this baby was coming soon. He is my project manager, and I love watching him shine in his own way during my labors.


3:40 PM | We finished our errands and got to our Chiro appointment a little early. Right outside of the office building was this really fun mini park that I had never noticed, so Ever and I spent special time at the park together just having 1-1 time.


4:10 | Ever and I went into my Chiro appointment. I have seen Dr. Carolyn with Peak Performance for all three of my pregnancies and she is a gift! She let Ever help adjust me and massage my round ligament/nerve pain, and she did so good. I told Dr. Carolyn that I would be shocked if I didn’t have this baby tonight.


5:15 PM | Traffic was not too bad from Franklin to Spring Hill and I made it home! We had no food in the fridge, so immediately, I made a grocery list and Josh ran out to the store to stock the fridge while I fed the girls dinner. At this point, there was no doubt labor had started and I was having to slow down/stop during contractions to start to breathe through them. I brought out my birthing ball to the kitchen to labor on while I made dinner and sat with the girls. Eleanor decided to join me on the birthing ball and she ‘labored’ with me. I cannot get over her tiny curls. I started timing contractions and they were coming every 2-3 minutes.


7:09 PM | I was really starting to need Josh but we needed to put our girls down. I texted my dear friend Peyton and asked if she could come help put the girls down. She was here in 10 minutes and from their giggles during bath time and story time, they had the very best time with her!

7:10 PM | I showered to have warm water run over me and just feel refreshed.

7:21 PM | I called the Haven team to let them know my contractions were really close together and that I think they should start to head over to our home. They asked some questions, agreed, and said they would be to our home in about 40 minutes.

8:15 PM | The girls were really missing their mama, and Peyton came down to ask me to come up and say goodnight to the girls, as they kept asking for me. Ever held my hand while I breathed through contractions and I got to kiss both of my best gals goodnight one last time before meeting our son. When I walked downstairs, I saw Lauren Drees and immediately, I knew everything would be ok because she was here. Her presence can calm and light up any room simultaneously, and she was a really welcome sight!


9:15 PM | After our whole team arrived, they checked my heart rate and blood pressure. They also checked dilation and effacement and I was 4 cm dilated and 50 effaced. I was not yet in active labor. They offered to give me some space and sit in the living room while I got in ‘labor land’ in our bedroom and laid down. After laying down for 45 minutes or so, I felt like contractions were getting further apart, and not progressing. I got up to move for a few minutes and went out to chat with the Haven gals in the living room. They suggested I draw a bath with epsom salt to see if warm water helps to progress me into active labor.

10:30 PM | I got in our bathtub and decided to have a banana. I was unable to have dinner earlier but I knew I needed something small and easy to digest. I had all of my birth affirmations around me, and Josh was there reminding me of how capable I am and that I can surrender my body right now to do what it needs to do.


11:50 PM | Labor was definitely progressing and I was starting to have to focus and really breathe down through contractions.


MIDNIGHT | The Haven team came in to the bathroom to see how I was doing, and we decided to check to see how I was progressing. Stone’s heart rate was slow, but steady and in a good spot. I was finally at 6.5 cm dilated and 70% effaced. I had made so much progress in the water and we were officially in active labor. Lauren Drees suggested that we start filling up the birth tub with water so that I could be more comfortable while I labored.

12:25 AM | I moved to our bedroom to the birth tub and was so much more comfortable. At this point, I was in transition and was focused on each wave of a contraction. They gave me a wooden ball with some spikes on it to hold while I labored and this helped a lot to squeeze during contractions. During the next hour and a half, Joshua, my team, and I listened to worship music, they sang and talked about the goodness of God and birth, they prayed for me as I experienced each contraction, and they helped me adjust my positions to find relief during each wave.

During this time, I was in this tension time of wanting labor to be over because it was so intense, but also, not rushing his process of coming into the world. The phrase that I kept saying over and over again between contractions was ‘I am not in a hurry’ . I did not want to rush through the hard because it was there that my heart needed to stay until he was ready. I had affirmations up on our dressers all around the birth tub, and the one that I kept bringing to mind was “This is just a wave, He won’t let you go under.” And He didn’t. I was sustained by the Lord, my husband, and my team the whole time.


1:35 AM | Finally, my body was ready to start actively pushing. I told the team that my body wanted to push and with 3 pushes, his head came out first.

1:45 AM | With two more pushes, the rest of his sweet little body came, and Josh and I, together with Lauren, pulled him to my chest.


The song “It Is Well” by Bethel and Kristine DiMarco was the song I delivered him to, and I cannot imagine a more fitting song for his birth. It is WELL that we have a son. The Lord knew from the very beginning of time, and before my life ever existed, that we would have a son. And it is WELL with my soul.


1:50 AM | Five minutes after Stone was born, Everly woke up. She never wakes up in the middle of the night, but this night, I think she just knew. Josh went upstairs to comfort her, but she kept asking for me.

2:00 AM | I delivered my placenta while Josh was upstairs with Everly, and Stone was able to latch and start nursing. I had a very small tear, barely a 1 degree, so there were no stitches necessary. They did say that we should keep Stone in our room for a few nights so I could heal quickly by not going up and down the stairs all day and night for feeds.

2:15 AM | Ever came downstairs with her dad and got to meet baby Stone for the first time. She was so sweet and curious about him, and it was a special and unexpected moment with just us.

3:45 AM | Josh and Lauren measured Stone. He was 19.5 inches long, and weighed 6 lbs 13 oz. He was our biggest baby yet! Everly was 6 lbs 11 oz, and Eleanor was 6 lbs 3 oz.


4:30 AM | The Haven team had emptied the tub, cleaned up the floor mats we taped down, did two loads of laundry of towels and sheets from birth, and they packed up to head home and rest. We then got to soak in time with just us three before the girls woke up.


5:00 AM | Josh brought the pack and play down to our room and set it up. We got about one hour of sleep once we laid him down and it was a much needed one hour.


8:15 AM | Josh woke up the girls and brought them downstairs to meet their baby brother. It was so special to watch them be curious about him and love on him.


It is still not lost on me that we get to steward a tiny man and fold him into the rhythms of our life. His birth was more than I could have asked for. We were unhurried in our souls and our three great prayers were answered for his birth.

There are no other hands we could have imagined helping us bring our son to this side of my belly. Josh, Lauren, Lauren, and Lia - thank you for being that team.

We are praising the Lord for our three children. What a good, good thing it is to have the privilege to raise them and be their mama.

Unless the Lord builds the house, the builders labor in vain. Unless the Lord watches over the city, the guards stand watch in vain. In vain you rise early and stay up late, toiling for food to eat — for he grants sleep to a those he loves. Children are a heritage from the Lord, offspring a reward from him. Like arrows in the hands of a warrior are children born in one’s youth. Blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them. They will not be put to shame when they contend with their opponents in court.
— Psalm 127


Eleanor Sage Craft is here and she is perfect! And her birth was more than I could have asked for.

After going through birth for the first time with Everly, I knew I wanted a different experience with Eleanor than I got with a hospital delivery. I planned to have an unmedicated birth with Everly, but the cascade of interventions is real, and I ended up with an epidural. I also wanted to be able to have more voice in my birth than I was given in the hospital, as well as more freedom to labor how my body would tell me I needed to labor.

We did have an initial first ultrasound for Eleanor with our OB that delivered Everly, but with this pregnancy being after the heat of covid, we had some differences with how to have a safe pregnancy in these covid times, and I was not comfortable with the fear and guilting tactics used to try to get me to do things I did not want to do while pregnant. We walked out of that office after that first ultrasound and immediately made our appointment with Haven Birth here in Franklin, TN. They are a midwifery practice with an amazing team of Certified Nurse Midwives (CNM’s). I was 100% ready to commit to a homebirth, but Josh needed some questions answers on safety and what this would actually look like. If he was not 100% on board after the consult with Haven, we would proceed forward with a birthing center. But, from that very first consult we had with Lauren Drees, we knew that a home birth was the right option for us, and that this team would be the ones who would help us welcome Eleanor into the world with confidence, peace, and holistic wisdom.

Everything was on track for me to carry 40 weeks+ until Eleanor was ready to come on her own, but at our 38 week appointment, some concerns were voiced and things moved quickly from there. On Thursday, 6/23, they did the routine check of my fundal height (measurement of pubic bone to the top of the uterus in centimeters). I had been at fundal height 34 cm for 4 weeks, now 5, without any growth (Your fundal height should match the amount of weeks your are pregnant, and they don’t like to see you 2 cm above or below that height.) At this point, I was now 4-5 cm behind the ideal fundal height for growth. I carry very small pregnant, but this was very different from my pregnancy with Ever, as she always measured right on track with her fundal height.

Our midwife team was pretty concerned, so they sent me for a same-day (Thursday, 6/23) Biophysical Profile Ultrasound (BPP). This first BPP showed that Eleanor was measuring around the thirteenth percentile, but her abdomen was measuring around three percentile, which would technically qualify her for Intrauterine Growth Restriction (IUGR). Before they took any further action, they wanted to do monitoring of her movement with them at Haven ASAP, and another BPP. She passed her monitoring on Monday, 6/27, with flying colors. At her second BPP, though, on Tuesday, 6/28 at 8 am, they measured her around the twelfth percentile, but her abdomen was still measuring in the three percentile range, and her head was measuring in the one percentile range. We didn’t know what this would be mean, but we were still very concerned.

We waited for our midwife to call us back that afternoon, and it was a long few hours waiting. After Haven got the results of our BPP and they were able to consult with their partnering hospital doctor, they finally had facts and a few plans of action for us. Praise the Lord! They had officially determined that she was IUGR, and that the best thing for Eleanor was to be outside my womb as soon as possible so she could grow without restriction. Their overarching strong recommendation was to induce early and not let me go past 40 weeks. They talked Joshua and I through the two options to induce early:

  1. Induce at their partner hospital and deliver in a hospital. This would be WAY outside of our plan for Eleanor’s birth, but we were thankful for this option. They would have been there every step of the way had we chose this option.

  2. Start the process of natural induction on Thursday, 6/30 at our 38w6d appointment, and move forward with our planned home birth. (The way we would naturally work to induce labor would be to do a membrane sweep at my appointment, and then drink the ‘Midwives Brew’ with Castor Oil in the afternoon - 4 TBSP castor oil, 4 TBSP nut butter, 1 cup of apricot, pineapple, or orange juice, optional I cup of champagne, or sparkling cider.)

After having all the facts presented to us and praying through it together, we decided to continue forward with option 2, the natural induction process and our planned home birth. Our midwife team was so supportive of either decision and we are extremely grateful for their wisdom and guidance through an unexpected and scary decision. We never once felt pressured in either direction and we had their full support no matter what we chose.

I share all of that backstory because Thursday, 6/30 started off as just a normal day, and it ended with our great reward, Eleanor Sage Craft, being born in our home.


8:30 am - Went to brunch for our 6th wedding anniversary (Our anniversary is July 2nd, and we did not know if we would make it to that date to celebrate on our actual anniversary.)

9:30 am - Went to Honest Coffee for coffee and walking around the Factory. We did this on Everly’s due date and it was fun to recreate this new tradition.

10:30 am - Membrane sweep at Haven Birth. I was 2 cm dilated and 75% effaced.

11:30 am - Grocery shopping and flower shopping with Joshua in case I went into labor. We wanted to have a full fridge since we would be home, especially for Everly. (Also, every woman should have flowers for her anniversary and birth!)


1:00 pm - Drank Castor Oil on an empty stomach. (Newsflash, it wasn’t AS bad as I thought it would be, but gosh it made me feel awful REAL fast.)

1:30 pm - Laid down to nap as I started to feel horrible.

2:15 pm - Josh brought me a Panera sandwich because I needed food. I had not eaten since 8:30 am and needed something to absorb all the sugar I had just drank in the Midwives Brew.

5:30 pm - Dance party on the front porch with Joshua and Everly. That will forever be one of the sweetest last memories with just us three. It was the first thunderstorm in over a month, and we did not waste that precious time with her.


6:30 pm - Went on our last walk as a family of three around our neighborhood. My contractions started as soon as we hit the top of our street, and they felt like they were 2-3 minutes apart. I was going to wait to time them until we got home.


7:00 pm - I laid on the couch with Everly while I timed contractions. She just held my hand while she watched Luca. After 30 minutes of timing them, they were officially 2-3 minutes apart. I honestly did not believe the timer because those contractions came on so quick and so intensely.


*At this point, we knew I was in labor, but with everything going on (putting Ever down, timing contractions, focusing intensely on labor and my contractions, Josh getting our bedroom set up, and then the team arriving, we did not even have time to let anyone, not even our parents, know that I was in labor. This was not our plan, as we had a whole list of people to text when I went into labor. We did not get to tell anyone until early the next morning while we were lying in bed with Eleanor. We so wish we could have let people know to be praying, but we already had an army of people praying around us for Eleanor since there were some concerns for her, as shared above. We felt every single one of those prayers during the labor though.

7:30 pm - Helped Josh lay down Everly in between contractions. I could barely make it up the stairs, but I got my last snuggles in with Everly before she became a big sister.


7:47 pm - Called my midwife, Dawn. She could hear it in my voice that things were serious and sped over. She lives right down the street from us, so she was able to get here pretty quickly. She suggested I start laboring in our bath tub while Josh got our bedroom, our bed, the birth tub, and the hose to fill the tub all set up. (Josh is a project manager, and he had an entire folder of to-do’s for how to set up our bedroom for the home birth - it was super cute. But this actually was so helpful for him since everything was moving so fast to have a checklist to get everything done for me to deliver at home.) As I got into our tub, I had this overwhelming desire to add the song ‘Oceans’ to my birth playlist that only had 15-20 songs on it. A dear friend gave me an affirmation to speak over my heart during contractions. “This is just a wave. He won’t let you go under.” I spoke that, alongside “Keep your shoulders down” and “Breathe her down” and “Jesus” over and and over again when I thought I couldn’t continue laboring. Little did I know, I would meet my daughter while ‘Oceans’ played just a short hour later. I would nurse her skin to skin for the first time to ‘Knowing You’ by Steffany Gretzinger.


7:50 pm - Started laboring in our tub.

8:10 pm - Dawn, our midwife, arrives. She first listened to Eleanor’s heartbeat, and it 155 and strong. She checked my progress, and I was already 6 cm and 100% effaced. She began talking me through contractions with encouragement and affirmations, as they were growing in strength and intensity, very quickly. Dan and Josh thought it would be best for me to get some electrolytes in me. He brought me over a cup of LMNT Raspberry Electrolyte drink to continue to get fluids outside of water. I took one sip, Dawn asked me a question, and I couldn’t even answer because I immediately felt like I had to throw up. I threw up twice and felt instantly better after that.

8:40 pm - Lauren, my second midwife, arrives.

8:45 pm - At this point, I felt what every birth video said I would feel - I felt like I needed to poop. I asked for privacy to use the bathroom, but of course, I did not need to. When that happened though, I knew I was so close to meeting Eleanor. I got back in our tub, and during the first contraction, I felt this overwhelming urge to push. I told them I wanted to have one more contraction in our tub before walking to the birth tub. The last contraction in this tub I remember vividly saying ‘I can’t do this’ and then right after that said ‘No, I can do this’. This was one of the most intense mental experiences of my life.

8:55 pm - Josh finished filling up the birth tub with water RIGHT before I needed to get in. Our nurse, Lia, also arrived right as I was getting into the tub. My team helped me move from our tub in our bathroom, to the birthing tub. As soon as I got in the birth tub, I felt a ‘pop’ in the water. I told Dawn and Lauren this, and they said that my water had just broken. I pushed once after my water broke, and Dawn felt Eleanor’s head. I pushed a second time and could literally feel her head come first and then her shoulders all in the same push. It was the hardest most amazing moment of my life. It was also incredible to feel everything that was happening, as I was not able to experience that with Everly. I have never been more in tune with my body and what was happening.


9:00 pm - I was holding Eleanor Sage. Her birthdate: June 30th, 2022 born at 9:00 pm. It happened so fast that I had a hard time processing that she was actually here. Josh was crying from seeing the pain I was in from laboring and meeting his second daughter all in the same moment. 

9:10pm - Moved to the bed where I was skin to skin with Eleanor for hours. Josh wanted to be really involved in the whole process. While he did not get to catch Eleanor (The position I was in was too hard for him to catch her, so Dawn caught her.), he was able to cut the cord when it stopped pulsating, measured her length with Dawn, and weighed her. Our team allowed all of Eleanor’s vernix (a protective coating that forms on baby's skin in utero. It is a thick, greasy substance made of water, fatty acids, and proteins, and it creates a moisturizing barrier for your baby's skin.) to stay on her skin and they did not require that we wash it off in a bath right away. This was totally different than a hospital birth where they clean it off right away.



1:00 am - Our birth team was at our house until well after midnight finishing up paperwork, getting me all taken care of with postpartum things, and cleaning up our bedroom from the birth. They drained the tub, did all the laundry for us, stripped our bed, pulled up the floor mats taped to the floor, took down the hose from the shower head, and left our home feeling like nothing ever happened. It was truly a weird and wonderful experience to just be home after such a huge life change. Joshua and I were up until 2:00 am just spending time with Eleanor and soaking her in before she met her sister in the morning.


7:19 am - Everly met Eleanor! Ever and Nora - the future best of friends. When we first brought Eleanor in to meet Everly, she started saying ‘No, no, no, no’ over and over. She finally warmed up to her sister and gave her kisses on her head. She still did not really understand what was happening since she is still so little, but she knew she loved her little sister and gave her dad the sweetest smile while he held Eleanor. This morning is etched into my heart forever.


This birth will forever be one of the top moments of my entire life. I am still not over how amazing the woman’s body is, how wonderful the Haven Birth team was, and how strong and supportive my husband was through this whole process. Praise God for a healthy mama and baby Eleanor!

We still cannot believe that we have two daughters. We are eternally grateful to get to steward their little lives together.

Sweet blessings,


Kelsey Kelley and I are coming to you from the ‘Cranberry Bog’ to share a counter cultural vision for your small creative business. Our desire in penning these words is to support creative entrepreneurs in running highly successful and profitable small businesses that give them freedom, choices, and bring them great joy to thrive. But before you hear the six debunked myths of debt and credit cards in small business, we want you to know WHY this mission is so important to each of us.



My name is Ashley Margaret Craft, and I am the owner and calligrapher behind ‘Ashley Margaret’! I pen and preserve intentional stories through bespoke calligraphy and design.

My husband and I were 8 months into marriage when we first realized we had over $150,000 in debt: student loans (over $100,000), cars, credit cards, and medical bills. In that moment, we saw every dream we ever had disappear right before our eyes. We had chains and we were truly enslaved by our debt. But instead of being paralyzed by our situation, we DID something about it. To date, we have paid off over $115,000 since February 17, 2017, and 2019 is the year we will finally be completely DEBT FREE!

I started this creative small business as a way to hustle HARD at something I loved to bring in extra income for our debt free journey. At the time, I had no idea just how special this business would become. As we get closer to the finish line of our debt free journey, we feel the chains coming off, and we can see all of the freedoms that we will have once debt no longer has a hold on our lives.

It was a JOY to partner with Kelsey because she is living on the other side of our debt free journey, and she is FLOURISHING as she stewards well her business financially!



I’m Kelsey Kelley with ‘K. Kelley Designs’!

I create custom wedding invitations and watercolor portraits for clients all over the U.S. and teach workshops in my home state of Tennessee.

This small business started out as a ‘side hustle’ to help free up our income while paying down debt and in July of 2018, we became completely DEBT FREE! Having zero debt has allowed us SO many freedoms, one of which was the easy transition of leaving my job of 8 years in the corporate world to pursue my art business full time. I am living proof that with hard work and small daily sacrifices, ANYONE can experience the countless joys and endless opportunities that running a debt free life (and business) brings.

K.Kelley Photo.JPG

Consider this a ‘hers & hers’ tale as we each share our perspective on why it is so important to run a debt free and credit card free small business.


I- MYTH: Small business debt is business debt. DEBUNKED: Small business debt is PERSONAL debt.

Ashley: Small business debt is signed to your name and it is personal debt. If your business went upside down tomorrow, and you signed those loans, you would owe them, and you would very quickly learn that small business debt IS personal debt. For some reason, when business is attached to debt, people feel a different distance from the debt. I want to bring that distance back closer to you, because if something happened to you tomorrow, and you could no longer work your business, what debt would you have? If your business has $50,000 of debt, that is a debt you personally owe.

Kelsey: YOU are your business. YOU are your brand! Especially as a creative small business owner. Your clients are buying from you and it’s a personal transaction. So, let’s keep that in mind in every facet of our business…From your client experience, to your website, your social media, and yes- your finances. So if you take on debt, it’s personal. 

II- MYTH: You get credit cards points when you use a credit card. DEBUNKED: You spend more when you use a credit card. (Upwards of 20-50% more)

Ashley: McDonalds was one of the FIRST companies to accept credit cards in the fast food industry. Do you know why? Because what they found was that when people buy with a credit card, they spend anywhere from 20-50% more than if they would have purchased with cash or a debit card. Points are a false reality. And then of course, WHY would you want to play with snakes? Credit Card companies are EXPERTS on behavior, and if there is one thing they know, it is YOU and your spending habits. They are ‘giving away’ points because they know they made money. Why not keep that extra 20-50% you spend in your own pocket?

Kelsey: The average credit card user pays at least $900 a year in interest. Does that $900 justify your cash back “benefits”? Odds are… Probably not. (Article on Interest)

III- MYTH: You have freedom with when you use a credit card and it gives you an advantage. DEBUNKED: There is freedom spending with cash and running a debt free small business that gives you an untouchable advantage in business.

Ashley: What you don’t know is that credit card companies have done SUCH an exceptional job at marketing, that they have made YOU feel like YOU are GAINING freedoms by using a credit card, but in reality, they are just chains in disguise. When you have no debt in your business, YOU have ALL the control.

Kelsey: CASH IS KING! The power of cash is real y’all! Big companies (think furniture stores, car dealerships) will be more willing to negotiate on prices once they know that you have the cash on hand for that big purchase. So not only are you buying SMARTER but you could also save money. Win, Win!

IV- MYTH: You cannot be as creative. DEBUNKED: Spending with cash and ‘doing business at the speed of cash’ only pushes you to be even more creative and resourceful.

Ashley: As I look back on my business over the past 2 years as I have run it debt free and credit card free, there were times when I did not have the cash flow to do something I wanted. So, like a grown adult, I had to wait, have patience, and save up the cash to purchase what I wanted for my business (Yes, in an Amazon prime culture, it is ok to WAIT for something.). And you know what? Time after time, I was FORCED to be even more creative, think outside the box, and make magic happen with my creativity, instead of a line of credit from a credit card.

Kelsey: False. Just false. Not to go all sappy on you, but creativity truly comes from within!! It’s not something you can purchase.

I don’t have enough time/money/people/experience. Stop Whining. Less is a good thing. Constraints are advantages in disguise. Limited resources force you to make do with what you’ve got. There’s no room for waste. And that forces you to be creative.
— REWORK, David Heinemeier Hansson and Jason Fried

V- MYTH: You are limited in your decisions and you set higher goals with debt and a credit card. DEBUNKED: Spending with cash makes you think harder, make wiser decisions, set bigger, longer term goals, and be held accountable.

Ashley: As a business owner, there is ALWAYS something vying for our money: new office furniture, new tools, new educational courses, new product lines..the list could go on and on. But when you spend your money at the ‘speed of cash’ you have in your pocket, you actually FEEL the money you spend. What that means is that you will take an extra night or week to think about the purchase because you actually realize you are spending money. Or maybe, you will set a goal to purchase something after you have hit a specific business goal. Or, maybe instead of just charging it, you take time to talk to a business mentor or trusted friend to make sure the purchase you are about to make is wise, intentional, and important for your business.

Kelsey: Studies show that credit card debt is the only debt where you actually take on MORE debt than you had originally planned. This makes planning and goal achieving very unstable. The best way to achieve goals in your business is to dedicate time to work towards them and stay disciplined in achieving them! Debt does not magically equal more time and definitely doesn’t encourage discipline. (Trust me, it takes a LOT of discipline to get out of debt!)

VI- MYTH: You gain more choices when using a credit card and debt. DEBUNKED: You never know what will happen in your life. Debt is slavery. You have more choice when you choose to run your business without credit cards and debt free.

Ashley: When Josh and I first realized we had $150,000 in debt, every single choice we had went out the window. “Adults devise a plan and follow it, and children do what feels good” (Dave Ramsey) To think that you gain more choice by having a credit card is a childish way of thinking, and in fact, having a plan, following it, and choosing the debt free/credit card free life with always give you more choice. You never know what could happen in life, and as I mentioned earlier, if your business has debt, and it stopped tomorrow because you could no longer work, you would instantly gain all of that debt as personal debt, and your choices would then be limited in so many ways.

Kelsey: Debt binds you. It actually restricts your freedom of choice because now you have payments and if those payment aren’t made- you’re in trouble.. It limits your freedom to choose how you spend your money.

FINAL TRUTH- Debt and credit cards in business are JUST PLAIN DUMB. I want to take a moment to remind you of where both Kelsey and I started; getting out of debt has changed both of our lives, and we both run successful, thriving small businesses that run at the speed of cash, and that are flourishing. Our desire is to support entrepreneurs to run highly successful and profitable small businesses that give them freedom, choices, and bring them great joy as they flourish doing what they love.

FINAL WORDS FROM KELSEY: Getting out of debt has changed my life. I’m a Christian and hear me when I say the Lord will honor your obedience and your sacrifice to make this happen. He will make a way for you…I promise! When we paid off our credit cards, then our student loans, and finally our car- I am telling you there is nothing more empowering than taking control of your life like that! In the past year, my net income has TRIPLED and I absolutely would not have been able to make that happen if we weren’t able to operate my business and life debt free. I’m so passionate about running my business this way and I want every other small business owner to experience the immeasurable joy and benefits having zero debt brings… Not only to your business, but your mental health, your marriage, your relationships- it seriously improves every aspect of your life!


  • Jenna Kutcher of Jenna Kutcher

  • Nancy Ray of Nancy Ray Photography

  • Ashlyn Carter of Ashlyn Writes

  • Christy Wright of Business Boutique

  • Ashley Margaret Craft of Ashley Margaret

  • Kelsey Kelley of K.Kelley Designs

The rich rule over the poor, and the borrower is slave to the lender.

TAKE ACTION FRIEND: I don’t know what ‘action’ looks like for you right now, but below are three actions that could make sense for you to do today:

I- Cut up your credit cards. Be done with them FOREVER. They are not your friend. They are not life-giving. They will only give you chains.

II- Pay off your debt, personal and business. Start small, and keep snowballing.

III- Pay for your next purchase with cold hard cash…actually take money out of the bank and see your hard earned cash pay for something you save up for. I promise it will feel different and you will be more empowered .

The best is today AND to come.

Sweet blessings, 

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Libby and Isaac Wendland are two of the most inspirational people I have had the honor of knowing. I went to college at in Lynchburg, VA at Liberty University with them, and I knew Isaac through my time running Cross Country and track there my freshman year. He and Libby were school grade crushes, and they married right out of college. Their love for each other and for the Lord is fierce, strong, deep, passionate, humble, and always seeking to bring glory to the Lord, not themselves. Isaac is now the Assistant Track and Field Coach at Liberty University, and Libby is a teacher in the surrounding area.

After a few years of being married, they started trying to have their own child. Month after month, and year after year, that sweet baby never came and they never got that positive test. They finally sought out a doctor to understand why it was not happening for them, and they were told it would be very difficult for them to have their own children naturally. It had always been their dream to be parents, and they were just broken when they found out that news. One day, traveling back from a trip, they were sitting in the airport. They were in a deep valley season on this hard road to parenthood, and they sat together in the airport to just cry out to the Lord. Right after they prayed, a little girl came running up to them, and she just brought them so much joy. Little did they know that they would be seated right next to this little family on the airplane. During the plane ride, Libby looked over at the mom of that little girl, and simply asked ‘Where did she get her big brown eyes from?’ The mom answered that she was not biologically theirs, but that their daughter was actually adopted.

After that conversation, Libby and Isaac began to have their hearts softened towards adoption. They began to do research on different ways to adopt around the world, and ultimately, the Thailand program tugged at their hearts, and made the most sense for their season of life with all of the Thai rules and regulations. They finally got their acceptance letter into the Thailand program, and it was the best day of their lives. They started a campaign called ‘Miles to Eden’, and after 2.5 years, they finally brought their daughter, Eden Hazel Wendland, HOME.

As their family grew, they knew they wanted to have a strong family mission statement to have as the center of their home to always be able to come back to when life got hard, or they were faced with challenges. When Libby reached out to me, I was honored, as this piece is truly a keepsake that will be passed down for generations to come of the legacy they hope to leave to their family, and to their daughter Eden, of what their family mission statement is. Friends, words MATTER. The words we hang in our home are important and the words we see everyday have the power to CHANGE our everyday.


To hear their sweet hearts, and learn more about their story, please watch the video below from their ‘Miles to Eden’ journey, and how they were finally able to bring home this little girl with the help of the body of Christ.

Click the Photo to watch the Wendland’s ‘Miles to Eden’ story.

The Lord will surely comfort Zion and will look with compassion on all her ruins; he will make her deserts like Eden, her wastelands like the garden of the Lord. Joy and gladness will be found in her, thanksgiving and the sound of singing.
— Isaiah 51:3 (NIV)

Read their full mission statement and see an up close of the hand calligraphed keepsake below:




Seek His Kingdom

Love God, Love people

Experiences over things

When they go low, we go high

Be in the world, but not of it

Kindness changes everything

We can do hard things

We go to the ends of the earth for each other

CHALLENGE: What would YOUR family mission statement say if you hung one in your home? I would be honored to calligraph this keepsake piece for you to hang intentionally in your home so that every single person who walks through your doors knows exactly what your family’s mission is.


Sweet blessings,

Ash_NEW Website Signature-01.png


Decor sets the stage for any party, and it also gives a great indication to your guests as to how much effort you’ve put into hosting them within your home.

As most of you know, Joshua and I are following Dave Ramsey to aggressively pay off debt. We have been on Baby Step 2 in the debt snowball for the past 20 months, and this guest suite was one of our splurge projects. One of our unified values is to host people well in our home, and invest in that area of our lives. We moved into this rental home in April of 2018, and the first time I saw this basement, I instantly had visions for it. However, now that we rent, we knew it would take some time to get our landlord on board. I couldn’t stand the school bus yellow walls that made the floor look orange, the holes in the ceiling along the tops of the windows, the holes along the walls of the fireplace, and the fact that this space was completely unusable. Josh told me at the beginning of this project that he had zero expectations that this room could be turned around, but I told him to just trust me. I am so glad he did!

Because we rent, we had to get the colors approved by our landlord, and we had multiple limitations with the walls, what we could hang on the walls, etc. It was a fun challenge to work with the accent wall color she picked out. We used to get a TON of cricket spiders in this basement, and it made this space dreadful to go down into. To combat the cricket spiders, we purchased a dehumidifier to eliminate the muggy and damp air that was always down there, Josh sealed up the holes in the ceiling above the windows, he sealed up the holes along the sides of the fireplace, he sealed up the hole in the wall above the air vent in the ceiling, and we put a large piece of acrylic at the fireplace entrance behind the wire mesh to keep the cricket spiders from coming in from the fireplace. And you know what, we have not had ONE cricket spider since! Praise the Lord!

Most of you know this, but my husband is a Business Analyst for a software company, and he travels a lot for work. Wouldn’t you guess that the week that ALL of our furniture was delivered, he was on his LONGEST trip in Canada. When he left, the room was completely empty, and when he came back, the room was completely finished. It was a whirlwind of a week handling all the deliveries and furniture on my own, but isn’t that what women do? They just find a way?! I wish you could have seen me in my business clothes on my lunch breaks attaching furniture to our dolly, and hauling it downstairs! The surprise on his face though when he finally came home on that Saturday night was well worth the wait and the big reveal!

Radically ordinary hospitality values the time it takes to invest in relationships, to build bridges, to repent of sins of the past, to reconcile. Bridge building and remaking friendships cannot be rushed. The word hospitality approximates the Greek word philoxenia, which mean ‘love of the stranger’.

So, drumroll please: I OFFICIALLY welcome you to our own Craft BNB (Bed ‘n Basement…unless you stay for a Saturday morning, then it will be a Bed ‘n Breakfast!). I hope that this transformation shocks you JUST as much as it did us, and our landlord. We pray that it is a blessing to us, and to the family, friends, neighbors, and strangers the Lord brings into our home. This blessing is not ours to keep to ourselves, but the Lords for us to steward well.

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One of my favorite corners of this guest suite is probably the least exciting from the outside. My dad is a carpenter, and he is the man who taught me the joy of bringing beautiful things to life from my mind with my hands. These 1920’s antique book pages remind me of days when I was a little girl where I would watch my dad create beautiful homes in drawings and then bring them to life with his hands. From the title page starting point of a blueprint proposal, to the rough drawings, to the building and final product of a new home, the entire process is just beautiful. This corner tells a small part of my story that has made a huge impact on my life.

I think when people have the freedom to tell their own story rather than trying to be specific to a certain design or style, there’s more freedom, and it ends up feeling more like home. Those spaces we see in magazines and on the internet are beautiful, but if there’s not that story there, then it’s going to lack that feeling of home.
For Christians to maintain an authentic Christian witness to a world that mistrusts us (at the very least), we must be transparently hospitable. The Christian life is a cross-bearing life, and the Word of God calls and equips God’s people to holy living. All our neighbors must know that we live differently from the world, and they will know as we live visibly within the means of grace, placing ourselves under the authority of the church as members in good standing - and we must be UNMISTAKABLY hospitable.
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This banner is an Ashley Margaret original design, and hand calligraphed by yours truly. I hated this little shelf in our guest suite, so instead of making it work, I decided to cover this hole in the wall with a custom banner that shares core values of our life with those who stay in our home. If there is ONE thing I want people to know when they stay with us, and then leave, is simply Jesus. l want them to intimately know, and be intimately known, by Jesus.

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So, I have to give Josh ALL the credit on the idea to hang LONG curtains in our tiny little windows. One, these windows are very weirdly shaped, and it would have been very expensive to get custom curtains. Two, it creates height in this space, and makes the room look taller, and not as short. Always work to create height in your spaces in the unexpected ways. Get out of the box and just try something new!

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To the REAL MVP of this guest suite remodel, here is to YOU Joshua Steven Craft. I couldn’t bring my dreams to life without your brawn and problem solving mind, and I cannot wait to create many more home spaces together with you in all the days we are given together. I love you.

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Lastly, thank you to the sweetest gal, Allie Thaxton, for these beautiful photos of our new guest suite so that I can share this reveal (and of course the next Cranberry Bog Post on ‘19 WAYS TO CREATE AN INTENTIONAL GUEST SUITE’) with you! It takes a village of creatives to bring to life beautiful things, and I am grateful for my growing tribe! She made a dark basement with two little windows of natural light look like a million dollars.

I hope you absolutely loved journeying this guest suite remodel with us, and don’t be afraid to let me know what you think. I hope this inspires you to tell your story well through the home you create. Make it yours, and make it count. All we get is this one life to live.


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P.S. Below, you will find all of the details on where we found all of the pieces for our guest suite. Some pieces are older, so I tried to go back and find them all! I hope this helps you host well over the holidays too, and get your own inspiration for your holiday hosting and remodels.

PAINT COLORS || ‘Garden Wall’ and ‘Roman Plaster’ by Behr Paint, Home Depot

MATTRESS || Nectar (Comes with two free memory foam pillows, and a one year money back guarantee.

END TABLES || World Market

BED AND TWO DRESSERS || Trishley Sleigh Bed Set Originally found at Ashley Furniture, purchased at Louisville Overstock Warehouse. (I believe the sleigh bed has been discontinued.)

DUVET || Bed Bath and Beyond

BED SHAWL || Walmart


CHAIRS || Pier 1 Imports

BROWN JUTE RUG || World Market



FRAMES || Hobby Lobby

CALLIGRAPHY ON PAPER || Ashley Margaret Calligraphy Keepsakes

CALLIGRAPHY FABRIC BANNER || Not for purchase. Handmade by Ashley.

WIFI STAND || World Market




GUEST BOOK || Target, Magnolia Homes

LAMPS || Target


CURTAINS || Target


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"I do" are the two most famous last words
The beginning of the end.
But to lose your life for another, I've heard
Is a good place to begin.

'Cause the only way to find your life
Is to lay your own life down.
And I believe it's an easy price
For the life that we have found.

And we're dancing in the minefields
We're sailing in the storms.
This is harder than we dreamed,
But I believe that's what the promise is for.
That's what the promise is for.

-Andrew Peterson, ‘Dancing in the Minefields’

Isn’t marriage one of the most wonderful, but crazy things this world has to offer? When you fall in love, you get engaged, and then, everyone starts telling you how hard marriage is and that you will need to be fighters for marriage every day. Isn’t that the TRUTH? I am here to break the ice: in a world of perfect instagram posts and perfectly posed marriages on social media, it is HARD. But it is a good, good gift given to us by the Lord himself that is worth fighting for.

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As a woman who believes in the value and sanctity of marriage, given to humans as a picture of Christ and His bride, the church, I do not know if there are greater words that I could have the honor of preserving through calligraphy than your wedding vows. I do know that choosing to have them hand-calligraphed will be an investment, but one that will be well worth it. There are 5 reasons why I believe you should make the investment, and have your own vows hand-calligraphed:


I- YOUR WEDDING VOWS ARE THE MOST IMPORTANT WORDS YOU WILL EVER SPEAK TO ANOTHER HUMAN BEING. When God designed marriage, he designed it as a covenant that a man and a woman step into that will then be one of the greatest pictures of the Gospel as a husband seeks to love his wife as Christ loves, and gave himself up for His bride, the Church. There is a oneness that happens when two people say I do in front of God and witnesses, and I never want our culture to lose the meaning of the promises they speak, the covenant they step into, and the words they say. Your wedding vows are just that: promises, a covenant, and powerful words of oneness and commitment for life. Tell me: what greater words could you ever speak to another human being?

II- MARRIAGE IS HARD. I have said it once (ok, maybe twice!) and I will say it a third time: marriage is hard! There WILL be days where you want to throw in the towel and call it quits. There have been nights where Joshua and I have fought, and as I have walked (Ok, pouted and stomped) upstairs to our bedroom, I had to walk right by our vows hanging by our front door. Every single time, without fail, I am instantly convicted in those moments to go and reconcile with my husband, and remember that we are on the SAME team, fighting the SAME fight, and walking daily the SAME covenant of marriage together. If there is one thing that Satan wants to do in your marriage, it is create disunity, and he wants nothing more than to tear apart what God brought together as one. The stakes are too high, and marriage is too great a cost to not make the investment to have those covenant words calligraphed and hung in your home to daily be reminded of.

III- THEY WILL BE AN HEIRLOOM TO PASS DOWN FOR GENERATIONS. There are not many things nowadays that will stand the test of time to be able to be passed down from generation to generation as an heirloom. The classic and timeless style of Ashley Margaret bespoke calligraphy wedding vows allows them to be the perfect keepsake to pass down to your children, and their children, and so on that will not fade with time. One of the greatest gifts I hope to pass onto my children and my grandchildren is a marriage that is deep, wide, rich, weathered, tested, tried, proved, imperfect, Christ-centered, full of memories, joyful, and a testament to our covenant of marriage that will be a legacy for them to carry for generations to come.

IV- HANG ONE-OF-A-KIND, CUSTOM, INTIMATE ART IN YOUR HOME. In a world where everything is manufactured in mass quantity, and everyone saves images on Instagram to then go and purchase the exact same pieces…stand out! You don’t have to have a perfectly posed home that looks just like Joanna Gaines home. (Although her home is beautiful!) I believe that the art and pieces you choose to hang in your home should be a direct reflection of who you are, and they should create spaces in your home that not only give you life, but that remind you of your core values. Hand-calligraphed wedding vows are the perfect way to have custom art in your home that reminds you of your core values as a married couple.

V- THEY MAKE THE PERFECT ‘PAPER-VERSARY’ GIFT FOR YOUR SPOUSE. News flash! Did you know that paper is the first anniversary traditional gift that you are to give to your spouse? I cannot think of a better gift than the words that you both spoke on the day you stepped into covenant marriage.

…but after reading those 5 reasons, don’t JUST take my word for it! Below are the heartfelt words of 4 women who I had the honor of working with to bring to life their covenant words of marriage through Ashley Margaret bespoke calligraphy wedding vows. If you have been thinking about having yours calligraphed, listen to and hear the words of these precious women and what these vows mean to them, as well as their experience in working with me. I can share my 5 reasons I believe you should have them done all day long, but these are real clients, real women, and real marriages that I had the privilege of serving well.

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“I invested in wedding vows because I saw the time and energy you spent into creating each piece! I knew I wanted to reference my vows in my house and having a special piece created just for our home is so special to remember the wedding and the words we promise each other every day!

My experience was just the best! From the moment I sent an inquiry to receiving my vows, you were so understanding and wanted to create the exact piece that I had dreamed about! You were professional as a business owner, but so genuine and became a friend and storyteller in the time before my wedding!

The vows have been THE best investment, and the most rewarding and treasured piece that I bought for my wedding! Not only did they serve as decoration, but now, they hang in my home as a testament of the words we promised not only on our wedding day but every day after too. I was hesitant to spend the chunk of money on just one piece, but I am so grateful for them and they have been the biggest blessing to reference on our wall!”


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“My parents got divorced when I was seven, so my idea of family and home always strayed from wholeness. Over the last year and a half, Taylor and I have gotten engaged, married and moved into our first home. As milestones of life continue to pass, God deepens my understanding of what it means to be a member of the family of God and the ideals we should uphold and mission we should pursue. I chose to invest in hand-calligraphed wedding vows so they can serve as a main focus on the gallery wall in our living room. This wall will be comprised of those values that we feel represent our family. And next to the cross of Jesus being at the center, our vows and covenantal promise to each other will hang to the right.

Ashley finished our vows right before my husband and I left for our one-year anniversary trip. Remaining true to her priorities and character, a young woman whom Ashley mentors had an emergency situation a few states away. However, knowing how important this gift was to me, she had her husband meet me on my lunch break to ensure my gifting to Taylor was timely. Ashley provided the highest quality of customer service and companionship throughout the entire process.   

I highly recommend preserving a piece of your wedding day to remind yourselves of your commitment to each other often, and share that love you have with each other with everyone who enters your home.”


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“So in love with how these turned out, Ashley! Your perspective on marriage is spot on and some days remembering those words we vowed is vital. You are a dream to work with and made my ideas come to life perfectly. We have the vows hanging in a central spot in our home so we pass them every day, and it’s a beautiful reminder of our wedding day, the words we shared, and the commitment we made to each other and our family. Thank you. Thank you for putting our words to paper in such a beautiful way!”


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“You were super helpful and asked so many questions to ensure that I got what I wanted. I wasn’t entirely sure on my vision so I also appreciated your artistic advice and guidance along the way. I was blown away by your attention to detail.

The reason I chose to have these done was that we weren’t newly weds anymore, and I wanted something that felt more like the weathered partners we were, something more raw. I saw you post someone else’s vows, and it made me think about my vows and the time I spent piecing them together. I stop in our home to re-read them often now that they are hanging in our living room, and it’s such a beautiful reminder of who we want to be, and where we started.”


IN COSING: I truly believe that words have power, and that the words we choose to hang in our home have a deep impact on how we live and on our daily lives. Because of that, I finally took time away from client projects earlier this year to hand-calligraph my OWN wedding vows, and they now are one of the greatest pieces of artwork I have in my home that I will in fact pass down for generations to come. They hang by our front door, and every morning and evening I walk by them, and as I come and go into our home, and as people come and go into our home, they are the first and last words seen. Yes, marriage is worth it. Yes, having your vows hand calligraphed, framed, and hung in your home is worth the investment.

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I hope I get the honor and privilege of serving you as well, sweet friend, whether through Ashley Margaret bespoke calligraphy wedding vows. Thank you for choosing me and trusting me with your most precious words spoken.


Ash_NEW Website Signature-01.png